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Xiaxue Plastic Surgery

    First of all: Who is Xiaxue?

    For those who hear her name for the first time, Xiaxue is a Singaporean celebrity blogger who posts about her life, fashion and local issues. Her main blog, which attracts over 20,000 readers per day, has won prestigious blog awards and earned her sponsorship deals, as well as stints as a columnist and TV show host.

    It is no secret that there is a heated rivalry between Xiaxue and Dawn Yang( another celebrity blogger. ). They dislike so much each other that Xiaxue wrote a very offensive post about Dawn Yang and Dawn Yang threatened to sue her for that defamatory post in June 2008.

     But what about Xiaxue's plastic surgery?

    Xiaxue feels very comfortable -and I might even say-excited talking about her plastic surgery procedures. So, she revealed on her blog her plastic surgery experiences with all the details and she even posted photos of herself after the plastic surgery. Very brave!
    Enjoy Xiaxue's plastic surgery confessions below...

    " I did something really drastic yesterday. I did plastic surgery!! And not just namby pamby nonsense - two eye surgeries at once!
    That's Lateral Canthoplasty... 

    Meaning cutting the outer corner of eyes, and Blepharoplasty... Meaning cutting double eyelids (I already have them, just did them higher).Went to Malaysia to do it coz my friend (let's call her A) also did it and the results are nice!!

    Plus the each procedure is only freaking 1.8k RINGGIT. Meaning altogether I spent like 1.6k SGD only!! WTF so cheap. Not sharing where I did it so don't ask. Actually I also don't know where it is coz I just followed A to the clinic.The doctor is from China and he does like a LOT of surgeries a day lah. Everything there is so casual. They had a consultation with me for like 5 mins (speak Chinese only), during which the doctor was like touching my eyes to picture how it would look like after different procedures."

    "Then they suggested Epicanthoplasty. Meaning cutting the INNER corner of the eyes but that one has a lot of downtime plus is more invasive coz of the tear ducts.Although Epi is the surgery that really widens your eyes. Lateral only lengthens fml. However my issue with my eyes is that they are too narrow/short. So lateral it was!See this girl's Epi PLUS Laternal PLUS double eyelid surgery. Remind you of someone's eyes? HEHE" Xiaxue claims.

    "It all happened so fast. Unlike my nose job with Dr Martin Huang which involved 2 consultations before the surgery and shitloads of aftercare visits (I think like 20), bandages, medicine and loads of prep work etc, this clinic was like MEH... ARE YOU READY NOT LET'S DO IT HURRY UP." Xiaxue added.

    "It felt so casual I felt like I was only doing a Brazilian wax lor.
    So I went upstairs to surgical room and laid down on the bed.
    Face cleaned with antiseptic and covered with some cloth.
    Doctor injected LA into my eyelids, 3 shots. Not painful. Then begin sewing double eyelids with no hesitation. (they pull a string thru so it is actually reversible)10 mins and it's done." Xiaxue declared.

    "Injected LA under my eyes. FUCKING PAINFUL. I have a high tolerance of pain and I actually YELLED. It was soooo bad!! Proceeded to do the lateral surgery, no idea how it's done but it doesn't seem that hard. Finished an eye in 5 mins. Did the same thing with the other. He asked me to open my eyes and look at him. I did. He said OK, everything done. LEFT THE ROOM!!" Xiaxue told.

    "Nurse cleaned my face up (2 mins) and I went down the stairs (no assistance) to my friends who were waiting below for me.Went to the toilet where I saw the "after" for the first time. Looks very swollen and horrid but I've been warned that that's the case. My freaky eyeballs are not bleeding, just traumatized. The wounds leak a little plasma + blood though. Also you can see the stitches." Xiaxue reveals.

    "Since we are at the topic of plastic surgery, last month I visited Dr Georgia Lee again for fillers for my laugh lines!! She is FANTASTIC once again and did fillers for me on lips (my third time), nose (first time) and laugh lines (first time).

     I saw Christopher Lee there when I went!! She is like really popular with all the stars can!! Feel so privileged coz she is SO talented and has an awesome sense of aesthetics. :D" Xiaxue said.

    "This one MUST share: 64620083 - TLC clinic at Holland Village.
    No she is not paying me!!" Xiaxue says with excitement.

    "I've always felt the tip of my nose was a little flat so here it is after fillers:It's like a nose job which is non invasive! 

    Will never live without fillers on lips anymore. Ok fine so many things done at once sounds like I'm mad addicted to plastic surgery but I'm not lah!!Fillers are totally temporary and does not involve any cutting.The recovery of my eyes is a BITCH!! Nose job was so much easier." Xiaxue says.

    What I like about Xiaxue is that she is very honest and revealing about her plastic surgery procedures. She is very willing to share all the details with her fans and doesn't hide her opinions no matter how controversial they are. In the end of her post she says: " I'm not going to pretend I never did my eyes; I can never be comfortable with that. " It is very nice and liberating to speak your truth and feel comfortable with it. Don't you think?

    Don't forget to visit Xiaxue's blog.

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